Selecting the Right Water Heater

Some homes have older, inefficient water heaters that consume too much energy. According to a federal government report, a water heater can account for up to 12 percent of a home’s energy consumption. Another common problem is that water heaters fail to supply enough hot water. If your water heater is more than ten years old, you should consider replacing it with an energy-efficient model.

A Henderson NV plumber can recommend and install a model with the latest technology. These water heaters cost less to operate than standard models. Our team can inspect your water heater and determine whether we can repair it or if you need a replacement. We install water heaters in accordance with strict building codes.

The proper sized unit ensures that you have enough hot water and reduces your operating costs. Water heaters are categorized based on a standard known as the first hour rating (FHR). This number is the amount of hot water that the unit produces within one hour. The FHR should match your household’s peak hot water demands.

You can determine your FHR requirement by adding one to the number of people who live in your home. Multiply this number by 12. If there are four people in your household, multiply 5 and 12. The unit should produce approximately 60 gallons of hot water in one hour. An experienced Las Vegas plumber can determine your household’s precise hot water requirements. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our trained technicians.