Clearing a Multiple Sink Clog

Kitchen sinks are the repository for various sticky and dense organic substances, such as chicken skins and potato peels. These materials, along with grease, can obstruct your drains. Even if you have two sinks and only one drain runs through the garbage disposal, both sinks can become clogged with the food scraps and grease. If this occurs, you should run the garbage disposal to see if this clears the blockage. If it doesn’t work, use a plunger. Pump the plunger 15 to 20 times in quick succession.

Most people resort to caustic chemicals if a plunger doesn’t work. Service Plus Plumbers in Henderson NV does not recommend that you use these products. There is the possibility that they can damage your plumbing. You should never pour chemicals into standing water or use a plunger on a drain that contains chemicals. When the chemicals fail to work, you are left with a sink full of chemical-laden water.

Contact Service Plus Plumbers in Las Vegas if you can’t clear your drain line. The clog is probably located just beyond the sink trap. We have the tools to locate and remove the blockage without damaging your household plumbing.