How to figure out why it is raining inside

It is never fun to learn that your ceiling is leaking. This can happen to any homeowner: You are living your life one day and suddenly feel it start to rain on the inside. The first response is to freak out a little, grab a bunch of buckets, and start to collect water so it doesn’t ruin the floor. The second is to wonder “why?” There are a couple of different reasons this may be happening.

Water during a rainstorm
If the only time your ceiling leaks is during a rainstorm, more than likely your plumbing isn’t to blame. This requires you to check your roof and gutters. Make sure that there isn’t any damage on both the inside and the outside of the roof. This calls for crawling through the space between your ceiling and your roof. Also, make sure that the gutters are clear of debris. This could be causing the water to overflow and damaging your roof. Call a roofer for more details on how to fix your house.

Water during a shower

This may or may not be plumbing related. Before calling a plumber, check each tile in every bathroom with a shower. Make sure that no tile is missing and all tiles still have grout. If this is the case, there could be a broken pipe in your house.

In this instance, call a plumber. Any Las Vegas professional, Like Service Plus Plumbing would be glad to help.