Determining the Location of a Toilet Clog

A partially or completely clogged drain can prevent your toilet from flushing normally. When you flush the toilet, the water will rise to the brim of the toilet bowl. If it appears that the water is about to overflow, Plumbers Las Vegas recommend that you remove the top of the water tank and push down on the flapper valve until it is seated. This technique will prevent water from flowing into the bowl and onto your bathroom floor.

You can determine the location of the clog by running water from the bathroom faucet into your sink. Watch the water to determine how quickly it drains. If the water drains normally, the clog is probably located in your toilet’s plumbing. Toilet plungers and closet augers are great tools for clearing minor clogs in your commode. You must dismantle your toilet and remove it from the floor to clear a stubborn clog. If the blockage is in your main drain line, the water will drain very slowly. Plumbers Henderson NV can troubleshoot your plumbing system and determine the reason for your malfunctioning toilet. Our skilled technicians can remove clogs throughout your system.