Older homes certainly have charm. But as enchanting as they are on the outside, older homes are prone to one common interior problem: the plumbing. Faulty plumbing and problematic heating and air conditioning systems are issues that homeowners often find with their older homes. Since fixing the plumbing system in an older home can be challenging, consider contacting Service Plus Plumbing for affordable plumbing Las Vegas NV to get your home’s plumbing back in working order.
One major issue that older homes can face is corrosion. Many plumbing systems contain metals that will corrode over time, which includes galvanized steel. Galvanized pipes are prone to rust when their protective zinc outer coating wears off. If corrosion continues, the water that comes out of the pipes may eventually turn orange and become unsafe.
Copper Piping
Many homeowners are surprised to learn that the copper pipes in an older home are prone to theft. Copper piping is common in many 20th-century homes. Copper pipes may not be ideal for plumbing, but they have a high resale value, making them a target for thieves. Your home is more likely to have copper piping if it was built before lead was banned.
Leaking Pipes
In addition to rusting, the pipes in older homes might leak. This is especially true if your home contains polybutylene pipes. Polybutylene pipes were traditionally viewed as great pipes for transporting water because of their cost efficiency and easy installation. However, over time, polybutylene pipes were discovered to be prone to failure due to frequent water exposure. Polybutylene pipes are typically found in homes that were constructed between the late 1970s and early 1990s.
If your home is more than 50 years old, and if the plumbing has not been properly maintained, the plumbing system may be more at risk for developing clogs. Decades of accumulation in the pipes from soap residue, oil, and sewage can wreak havoc on your home’s drains and pipelines, ultimately filling them with stubborn residue that may require a plumbing professional’s expertise to remove.
Tree Roots
Tree roots can be another problem for the plumbing system in older homes. If you have large trees growing near your house’s foundation, or if you know that the plumbing lines in your home are close to a tree, it’s worthwhile to have a professional inspect the plumbing system for signs of a problem. Tree roots can eventually grow through pipes and cause leaks or back-ups if they are not stopped from causing damage.
Older homes are subject to specific plumbing problems. Whether you’ve already noticed an issue or just purchased an older home and want a professional to inspect the plumbing system, we’re here to help. Service Plus Plumbing happily offers 24-hour plumbing Henderson NV for your plumbing issues and repair needs.