Clearing a Clogged Dishwasher Drain

Dishwasher drain lines are often connected to the garbage disposal. As the dishwasher cycles, dirty water enters the garbage disposal before it goes down the drain. It’s normal for some water to back up inside the disposal and the sink. As long as the water drains fairly quickly, there’s no cause for alarm. If the water backs up and doesn’t drain, plumbers Henderson NV recommends that you run the garbage disposal. A clogged sink can prevent water from draining as it should.

If running the disposal doesn’t correct the problem, there may be a blockage in the garbage disposal. When this occurs, water can back up into the sink and it may also remain inside your dishwasher. A dishwasher that doesn’t properly drain will leave food particles on the dishes or it could leave standing water inside the unit.

The impeller inside the garbage disposal may be blocked by a large piece of hard food, such as a fruit pit. The blade could be broken. If you can’t remove the clog or you believe that your disposal is broken, contact Service Plus Plumbers in Las Vegas. We will identify and fix the problem.