Your garbage disposal may seem to be indestructible on the surface. However, the garbage disposal is quite delicate, and it requires proper care and maintenance for longevity. All garbage disposals will need to be replaced at some point, but there are certain actions that you can take to help your garbage disposal last as long as possible and eliminate the need for garbage disposal repair Las Vegas.
- Use Cold Water for Cleaning
An important step you can take to preserve your garbage disposal’s lifespan is to use cold water rather than hot water for cleaning. Cold water is better for the garbage disposal because it solidifies food waste, which in turn helps the garbage disposal grind up residual food particles. Hot water, in contrast, softens food particles, making the food waste stick to the garbage disposal blades.
- Flush with Boiling Water
About once a month, you can flush out your garbage disposal by running boiling water through the unit. All you need to do is fill a kettle with water and pour it down the garbage disposal once every three or four weeks, which will loosen up the grime and remove food debris that may be stuck on the blades or in the pipes.
- Let the Garbage Disposal Run
Another tip that might sound counter-intuitive is to keep the garbage disposal running for about a minute after you grind up food waste. Ideally, you should pour cold water into the garbage disposal while it’s running to get the food particles out of the pipes.
- Dispose of the Proper Foods
Certain foods belong in the trash can only. That includes grease, coffee grinds, and bones. Many people mistakenly think that oil and other liquids are okay to pour down the garbage disposal. However, they will ultimately become solid material, which can cause major clogs. Fibrous vegetables should also be kept out of the garbage disposal, as their fibrous material can become tangled in the drain and cause clogs. Bones and fruit pits can cause the blades to break and be expensive to repair.
- Use Small Volumes of Food Only
Another tip to keep your garbage disposal in good condition is to only dispose of small volumes of food at a time. Garbage disposals, after all, are not the same as a trash can. They are not designed to break up hard items such as bones, but large quantities of any kind of food can snarl the blades and create clogs. Large volumes of food and large pieces of food should be tossed into the trash.
If you take care of your garbage disposal, it can last for years before you need to replace it. For advice on maintaining your garbage disposal, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Service Plus Plumbing for affordable plumbing Las Vegas NV.