Eco-Friendly Plumbing Updates

From carrying reusable bags while grocery shopping to growing a backyard garden, going green is becoming a popular trend today. Of course, there are many ways to go green inside your home. While surprising to hear, incorporating these eco-friendly plumbing updates into your house offers enormous benefits.

Low-Flow Toilets

Traditional toilets utilize a great deal of water with each flush. Unfortunately, wasting water is impossible with these traditional models. However, installing low flush toilets can save tremendous amounts of water with each flush. Considering the amount of people in your home who use the bathroom each day, this can add up to tremendous water conservation. In addition, you will reduce your monthly water bills to save extreme amounts of money over the course of a year.

Low-Flow Faucets and Fixtures

Located in your bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry areas, your home has many faucets and fixtures that utilize a large volume of water. Replacing these ordinary fixtures with low flow models will save water, as well. Search for shower heads, sink faucets, and tub fixtures that have a WaterSense label. These fixtures offer the best savings and water conservation of plumbing fixtures.

With the help of a plumber and these eco-friendly updates, you can conserve water and money. Using this guide, you can live a greener lifestyle, added value to your home, and financial savings each month.