Service Plus Plumbing

Three Easy Plumbing Upgrades To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

las vegas plumber

From saving money to saving the environment, there are many logical reasons to upgrade your home’s plumbing. Switching to more eco-friendly plumbing appliances makes your home look more modern and presentable, too. But as with any home remodeling project, you’re probably aware that making those changes also means spending money. So of all the plumbing appliances you could change, how do you decide where to start? Replacing the water heater, toilets, and pipes is a perfect place to begin.

Install a Tankless Water Heater
One eco-friendly upgrade to consider is a tankless water heater. A tankless water heater Las Vegas is a win-win solution for several reasons. First, it produces unlimited hot water on demand. A tankless water heater is usually smaller than a traditional water heater too, which saves a considerable amount of space. A tankless water heater uses about 22% less water than traditional water heaters, which makes it an excellent option for consuming less water. Better still, that reduced water consumption leads to significant cost savings that average about $80 per year. An experienced plumber can explain the options available for a tankless water heater Las Vegas and help you choose the best one.

Switch to Water-Wise Pipes
The pipes are an essential part of your plumbing system. They are used frequently, which also means that they can wear out sooner than other components. Naturally, then, switching to water-wise pipes is a good choice if you’re looking for an eco-friendly plumbing upgrade. Energy-saving pipes reduce leakage and heat loss while simultaneously improving water flow and pressure. A plumber in Henderson can also install pipe insulators on copper or plastic pipes, which reduces their heat loss up to 80%. In turn, that also saves money. PEX and steel pipes are top choices for energy-efficient materials, as they tend to maintain heat and are quite durable.

Get Water-Saving Toilets
Eco-friendly toilets are another recommended choice for reducing plumbing-related environmental impacts. Water-saving toilets are generally inexpensive. They can also lower your water bill. Depending on the type of water-saving toilet you get, your eco-friendly toilet can use anywhere from 20% to 60% less water than a conventional toilet. When you’re shopping for a water-saving toilet, consider getting one with a dual-flush function that regulates the volume of water flow based on your needs. This feature ensures the optimal functioning of your toilet, and it also reduces the use of unnecessary water when flushing. This, in turn, makes the toilet as “green” as possible.

Whether you’re thinking of getting a new tankless water heater Las Vegas, updating your pipes, or getting an eco-friendly toilet, there are many ways to make your plumbing more environmentally conscious. Contact Service Plus Plumbing, your local plumbing experts, for recommendations or if you need assistance planning and installing your new plumbing.