Service Plus Plumbing

Sump Pumps in Las Vegas

A sump pump could be your savior in the event of natural disaster, burst pipe, or backed up sewer. After all, while it doesn’t ensure that your home will never be flooded, a sump pump can go a long way to keep the damage contained, make the cleanup process easier, and get your life back to your normal as fast as possible.

– What is a sump pump?
A sump pump is a little device installed in the basement or crawlspace of your home. There, it will sit quietly and unnoticed until it’s needed. Upon the even of a flood, the sump pump will remove excess water from your basement or crawl space. In addition to natural disasters and burst pipes, a sump pump can also be handy to control moisture level in leaking basements.

– Do I need a sump pump?
There are only a few cases where a home obviously needs a sump pump. Most of the time, it’s a complicated matter of risk assessment. To help you decide if a sump pump is right for your home, take a look at city flood maps, check around your basements for leaks, and call your insurance company to see if installing one will quality for you a discount.

If you decide that a sump pump is right for your house, please remember that only a professional can install this system; it takes experience to set a sump pump up right.