Service Plus Plumbing

Steps to Replacing a Splash Guard on a Garbage Disposal

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Over time, the parts on your garbage disposal can break or wear out, causing it to stop working correctly. One element that can break is the splash guard, which is a rubber gasket around the garbage disposal. Fortunately, this plumbing issue is relatively easy to fix. The best plumber in Henderson offers these steps for DIY splash guard repairs before calling the pros. 

Prepare to Work 

 Before starting any sort of plumbing project, you’ll need to make sure that you are prepared to work. Luckily, replacing a splash guard does not require a long list of equipment. All you will need is a screwdriver, a bucket, and your replacement splash guard. However, be aware that the type of screwdriver you need (either a Phillips head or a flathead) depends on the screws that connect the dishwasher line and drain pipe to the garbage disposal. 

Disconnect the Disposal 

 Once you’ve determined that you have the right tools, you will want to disconnect the garbage disposal. Most disposals are made of either metal or plastic, and they are directly connected to the wastewater line. Before starting repairs, put a bucket beneath the disposal to collect any water left in the lines. Once the bucket is in place, you can loosen the locking ring that connects the disposal to the mount. Next, turn the locking ring counter-clockwise by sliding it into a fitting around the edge. Be sure to hold onto the disposal as you loosen the locking ring so that it doesn’t fall. When the locking ring is loosened, the disposal should come off easily. 

Replace the Splash Guard 

 Once the disposal has been removed, you can proceed to replace the splash guard. The new splash guard should fit tightly over the disposal, much like a lid to a food storage container. All you have to do for this step is remove the old splash guard, wipe off the top of the disposal, and affix the new splash guard. 

Reconnect the Garbage Disposal 

 Although replacing the splash guard is relatively simple, reconnecting the garbage disposal can be a bit trickier. To complete this step, you’ll need to hold onto the disposal with one hand while tightening the locking ring with the other by using your screwdriver. If you can’t manage this step alone, ask a friend or family member for assistance. You can always call the Henderson best plumber for help, too. 

 Inevitably, the splash guard on your garbage disposal can break down or wear out over time. When it does, you’ll need to replace the part as soon as possible. If you have questions about selecting a replacement splash guard or any other part of the splash guard repair process, don’t hesitate to contact Service Plus Plumbing, the best plumber in Henderson, for assistance today.