Service Plus Plumbing

Preventing Toilet Clogs

Plumbing-SnakePreventing Toilet Clogs 

A clogged toilet is one of the most common plumbing problems that people have. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to prevent your toilet from getting clogged. Below are some tips that will help you prevent your toilet from getting clogged:

Be Careful What You Flush

Many people are flushing items down the toilet that really were not designed to be flushed. This includes things such as sanitary napkins, wipes, facial tissues, hair, floss, medication, diapers and grease are examples of things that should never be flushed in a toilet. You should also teach your children to avoid putting things in the toilet.

Do Not Flush Too Much Toilet Paper

In many cases, toilets are clogged by toilet paper. You should avoid flushing a lot of toilet paper at one time.

Keep The Toilet Tank Clear

Many people put brushes, combs, extra toilet paper and tissue on their toilet tank. However, this can actually increase the risk of a clog. Someone can very easily knock one of these items in this toilet without even noticing it. That is why you will want keep the toilet tank clear.

If Your Toilet Has A Slow Drain

A weak or slow flush is a sign that your toilet is clogged. Instead of waiting for this problem to get worse, you should plunge it now. If you cannot unclog it, then you should contact a plumber.