Service Plus Plumbing

Preventing a Clogged Toilet

Plumbing-SnakeThree Steps to Preventing Clogged Toilets

There’s almost nothing worse than going to flush your toilet only to find that it is clogged. Generally, a good plunger can fix this problem in only a matter of minutes, but sometimes a call to your local plumber is needed. Thankfully, there are three simple steps you can take to prevent stubbornly clogged toilets.

1 – Only flush what toilets are designed to handle
Toilets may seem like magical porcelain receptacles that can handle anything you put in them, but this simply isn’t true. When flushed, hair, floss, toothpicks, and feminine hygiene products are likely getting stuck somewhere in the line. To play it safe, only flush material that toilets are designed to handle.

2 – Teach children early about toilet safety
There’s little doubt that children are incredibly curious. As a result, it’s only a matter of time before a little one decides to send rubber ducky on a ride in the porcelain express. Get ahead of this common problem by talking to children about what should and shouldn’t go in a toilet at a very young age.

3 – Watch for sewer line problems
Your home’s sewer line is critical to your home’s function. If you ever notice signs that your sewer line needs to be cleaned out, please give us a call right away. Otherwise, a major problem is just waiting to happen.