Service Plus Plumbing

Plumbing Upgrades to Increase the Value of Your House

tankless water heater Las Vegas

If you’re looking to sell your home, chances are good you’ll want to implement every cost-conscious update on the market. Of all the rooms in your home, the kitchen and bathroom are the most important to update for prospective buyers. But renovating a room doesn’t have to break the bank. In many cases, there is a perfect balance between making essential updates without going broke in the process. A plumber in Las Vegas can easily recommend worthwhile plumbing upgrades that make your home more appealing and add to its value. 

Water Heater 

 If you haven’t upgraded your water heater in a while, now may be a perfect time. After all, no one likes to jump in the shower to find limited hot water or none at all! Furthermore, an old water heater can cause problems such as corrosion and leaks. If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s value, investing in a safe tankless water heater Las Vegas that can lower your utility bills is certainly worth it. 

New Toilets 

 Of all the appliances in your home, the toilet is one of the most heavily used. A single toilet accounts for 33% of your home’s water usage. If you have a toilet that leaks, your utility bill can skyrocket. Along with saving money, installing a new toilet can reduce your environmental impact. There are many aesthetically appealing toilets on the market today as well that can improve the overall appearance of your bathroom. If you’re on the fence about replacing a toilet, there are some good indications to look for that might signal it’s time for a new one. If your toilet makes unusual sounds, it doesn’t flush thoroughly, you notice condensation on the floor, or water runs continuously into the bowl, it’s probably time for a new unit. 

Upgrade the Faucets 

 While you might not think much of the faucets in your kitchen or bathroom, a prospective homeowner may think otherwise. It might sound surprising, but the type of faucets you have in your home can make or break a home sale! One current trend that buyers look for is a pull-out faucet. This type of faucet makes it easier to wash dishes and clean the sink. They can also be used with just one hand, which adds to their appeal. While you’re in the process of adding a new faucet, consider getting a dual-basin sink for the kitchen as well. A compartmentalized sink makes it easy to do multiple chores at once, including washing and drying dishes. 

 If you’re looking to sell your home, there are many upgrades you can (and should) consider to make your home more appealing. Focusing on the kitchen and bathrooms, which are two of the most important rooms in your home, is a good start. Contact Service Plus Plumbing today for expert advice on upgrading the plumbing in your home.