Service Plus Plumbing

Need a New Water Heater?

????????????Is It Time For A New Water Heater?

Your water heater is one of the most important appliances in your home. That is why you will definitely want to recognize when it needs to be repaired. Below are some signs that indicate you are in need of a new water heater:

Rusty Water

Sediment has a tendency to accumulate inside of the water heater over time. That is why your water may be rusty. Consuming rusty water can lead to many health problems. Contact a plumber as soon as possible if you notice the water is rusty colored. Your plumber will determine whether the problem can easily be fixed, or it needs to be repaired.

Frequent Repairs

Water heaters have a tendency to work less efficiently as they get older. Frequent repairs are a sign that your water heater’s days are coming to a close. Many people think that they are saving money by getting their water heater repaired instead of replacing it. However, it can actually be cheaper if you get the water heater replaced instead of paying money to keep getting it repaired.

Water Heater Is Unable To Produce Hot Water

If the water heater is not able to produce hot water, then it most likely needs to be replaced. Failure to produce hot water is a sign that the water heater has a major problem that could be costly to repair. That is why you should contact a plumber in Las Vegas like Service Plus Plumbing if there is no hot water.