Service Plus Plumbing

Main Differences Between Well Water & City Water

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As a homeowner, you have two choices when it comes to water: city or well. But of the two, which one is better? Statistically, more Americans use city water than well water. The numbers break down to approximately 280 million people using city water versus 40 million who use well water. Some people argue well water tastes better, while others say city water is safer. Here’s the lowdown on each.


City Water

From safety to low maintenance requirements, there are distinct advantages to using city water. For starters, you won’t incur any maintenance expenses. Unlike a well, you have a very low risk of running out of water, as cities ensure that residents have adequate water supplies. If there’s a drought, however, you may be required to minimize your water usage. Since most city water supplies discharge at high pressure, you don’t need to worry about trickling faucets and showers. Finally, city water is generally treated with chlorine or other chemicals to make sure it is safe for consumption. On the flip side, some people don’t like the taste of chlorine in their water. Furthermore, city water can lack healthy minerals and nutrients found in well water. Overall, your total water expenses may be higher with city water.


Well Water

Well water also has its pros and cons. It often contains minerals that can improve your health. Wells are not treated with chloramine and chlorine, which are considered to be unhealthy chemicals. If you are installing a well on your property, you will have to pay the initial cost. After the initial construction, however, water expenses are typically lower for well water than city water. An added bonus is that a well usually increases the value of your property. Well water is generally reliable and dependable, especially if you live in an area with abundant rainfall. A drawback to well water is that it requires frequent testing to check for contamination and mineral imbalances. As your Henderson plumbing experts, we will gladly inspect your well to make sure it is safe for consumption. During a drought, or if you live in an area with less rainfall, your well might dry up. If that happens, you’ll have to wait for it to be replenished or switch to city water. Finally, well maintenance companies must regularly inspect your system. You pay the resulting cost.

As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to city and well water. Ultimately, the choice is a personal one that includes your geographic location, personal preferences, and financial situation. If you’re not sure which option is best, contact Service Plus Plumbing for expert advice. As the Henderson best plumber, we will happily explain the benefits of each. Additionally, we can manage your plumbing and maintenance needs for whichever water system you choose. Visit our website at to learn more about city and well water today.