Service Plus Plumbing

How to Snake a Drain

A plumber’s snake is a device that loosens clogs, which obstruct the normal flow of water. The tool resembles a tightly wound slinky that is enclosed within a protective sleeve or case. You operate the tool by cranking the handle, which feeds the auger, a drilling device.

If possible, place the tip of the snake against the clog, and turn the handle in a clockwise motion to extend the auger inside the drain. Reposition the snake as necessary. Use an up and down motion as you turn the handle to break up and dislodge the obstruction. As the organic matter loosens, remove the material if possible to reduce the risk of a future clog. Run water down the drain to ensure that it is clear. After you remove the clog, remember to clean the snake before storing it.

If the device cannot reach the clog or the blockage is too large, you need the assistance of a Las Vegas plumber. This can occur with tree roots, which can penetrate and block a main drain line. Contact Service Plus to schedule a convenient appointment with one of our professional plumbers. Our skilled technicians have the gear and expertise required to quickly resolve any plumbing issue without damaging your pipes.