Service Plus Plumbing

A Grease Clogged Drain

Fried BreakfastHow to Deal With a Grease-Clogged Drain

Dealing with a clogged drain is a pain and a half, and so is fixing one. Clogged drains are difficult to deal with because it’s often hard to determine what is clogging it. Not all remedies for clogged drains are created equal, and the most effective ones aren’t necessarily ideal.

A common remedy for a clogged drain is to pour equal proportions baking soda and vinegar down the drain and then covering the drain with its lid. You might remember this as a science experiment you did in grade school; vinegar and baking soda combined foam up and expand a lot. This can jostle loose clogs and sort them out. However, this may not be effective for a drain that is clogged by grease. Grease clogs are more difficult to deal with as grease begins as a liquid and then congeals. This allows it to very tightly fill the spaces in pipes, making it difficult to remove as a clog.

Home remedies for clogged sinks aren’t permanent measures. This is especially true for grease clogs, which don’t jostle loose as easily and can very easily re-form. While you might make some headway with a home remedy, it’s best to contact a plumber if a clog has formed. A professional plumber will have the tools and knowledge to deal with your clogged sink and can effectively purge a grease clog, keeping it from coming back for a long time if your sink is properly used.