Service Plus Plumbing

Dealing With Drain Issues

drainsWhat To Do When Your Drains Are Slow

Slow drains can be more than just an annoyance; they can become a real nuisance. Slow draining water allows debris to accumulate in the drains and decay. Each drain develops a smell from the decomposing matter. Pouring commercial drain cleaners in all the drains will not alleviate the problem; the cost will become prohibitive very quickly. Most drain cleaners contain bleach that could react negatively or violently with the addition of other commercial drain cleaners.

The best solution is to call a professional plumber. The plumber will evaluate all the slow drains in the house. He or she will advise you about the problem and the best way to fix it. For example, one indicator of slow drains is a clogged vent pipe. Clearing a vent pipe is hardly a DIY project, even for the handiest of people. The problem could also be a clogged, damaged or broken main drain pipe.

The plumber has specialized equipment to facilitate diagnosing and repairing the specific problem quickly and efficiently. Homeowner’s insurance policies do not often cover DIY repairs while those performed by licensed professionals are. In Las Vegas, NV, call Service Plus Plumbing for slow drains and other plumbing needs. Trained and skilled professionals are ready to keep your house’s plumbing working at peak efficiency. Call to prevent small problems from becoming major repair issues that disrupt your life and wreck your budget.