Service Plus Plumbing

Dealing With a Clogged Toilet

Dealing with a clogged toilet can ruin your weekend off, but most of the time it can be a simple fix. However, if you’re kids have thrown in a toy car or a stuffed animal, you may need to call the plumbers at Service Plus Plumbing of Las Vegas. You can however try out a toilet auger, or plumber’s snake to get rid of a stubborn blockage.

A plumber’s snake is a slim, auger that is flexible and is used to unclog and dislodge blockages in your plumbing. The plumber’s snake is frequently reserved for more problematic clogs that cannot be otherwise loosened with a normal household plunger. It’s also occasionally referred to as an electric eel or a toilet jack.

With a closet auger, this drain cleaning and clearing instrument is designed precisely for your toilet. It is intended to clear out the toilet all the way through the drain pipe, which is located underneath or behind your toilet. When there’s a blockage further down the drain line, sewer pipe, or the waste stack, the closet auger is not as effective. A closet auger can reach around three feet, whereas some models will vary in size.

If you’ve tried a plunger and the water is still not able to drain, then you can try the closet auger. Normally, the auger has a spiral of wire located on the tip and a rigid-like wire the flexes and bends with the toilet bowl. Do not attempt to use other types of drain snakes they may possibly damage you toilet.
Withdraw the cable.

Insert the auger’s guide tip having the curvature facing the route of your drain. Note: Some toilet bowls may drain to the front and then towards the rear on others.
Cranking the auger in the one specific direction, continue until it turn tight. You then begin to crank into the opposite direction. Repeat these steps until your auger has reach its maximum length.

Crank your auger again in order to clear out the blockage.
Pull the guide out and then a plunger to push the clogging material down your drain line.